Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Management Unit



About Us

Beykent University TTO Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Unit operates with the aim of creating the necessary basis for the protection of intellectual property rights, increasing the number of invention submissions, and commercialising the inventions . 

Through the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Unit, researchers are provided with the opportunity to pre-screen their inventions, to prepare patent application files, to make applications and follow up on them, and also to get support during these processes.



Our Services

The Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Unit assists project owners and inventors in protecting their intellectual and industrial property rights and following necessary procedures for that. In particular, it provides support to all researchers at Beykent University (faculty members, lecturers, research assistants and students)  both for the protection of intellectual property rights and for the acquisition of utility model documents and/or patents of the outcomes such as "invention", “design”, “utility model” developed as a result of the scientific research and projects they carry out within the university.

In this context, some services provided by the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Unit are as follows:

  • Raising awareness about intellectual property rights within the university, organising training sessions and seminars,
  • Determining the scope of registration and registrability of inventions,
  • Conducting a preliminary patent search,
  • Evaluating patent commercialisation,
  • Ensuring coordination between the Turkish Patent Institute and the Inventor during the registration process,
  • Supporting licensing and commercialisation processes.
You can view the Directive on the Management of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights currently in force at Beykent University.



Our Working Model


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Our Inventions







Asst. Prof. Mustafa Alpaslan KARABACAK

Responsible of University-Industry Collaboration Unit
